Dane County Inmate Search

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Dane County, WI Jail Inmate Search

DANE COUNTY is located in Wisconsin with an average daily population of 490. The county has approximately 530 confined in facilities with 478 male and 46 female prisoners. That means that 90% of the confined population are male, and 9% are female.









(Average Daily Population)

How Does Dane County Inmate Search Work?

Inmate records for Dane County are freely accessible. All detention facilities in Dane County are governed by the Freedom of Information Act which provides publicly available information about inmates in the county.

Dane County Parole and Probation

Dane County Parole

If a prisoner has adhered to the regulations while serving their term, they may be granted parole and be released early. Who is granted parole and who is not is decided by a parole board. You may learn a lot about a parolee by looking through the Dane County parole records. There may be information regarding their sentence and offences in the Dane County parole files. You could also get to look through information regarding their detention location and parole conditions.

Dane County Probation

You should also be able to access Dane County probation records, which list men and women who were placed on probation rather than being imprisoned, in addition to those parolees who have already been freed. There are regulations that come with being on probation. In addition to adhering to other conditions, probationers are required to meet their probation officer once per week. Typically, Dane County criminal records will list the inmate's offences, probationary term, and the specifics of the justice department that sentenced them. You may also be able to view photographs, fingerprints, the probationer's physical characteristics, and other information in addition to these facts.

Dane County Booking

When researching statistics on whether or not a stranger has been arrested, Dane County bookings can help. A perpetrator's Dane County booking record is basically created when an officer arrests them, fills out the necessary papers, and places them in an imprisonment cell. It could also contain information such as fingerprints, photographs, physical characteristics, their name and address, the officer in charge, the specifics of the crime, the scene, and any trucks that were involved. The general public can access the copies of a person's Dane County booking records without requiring any kind of authorization.

Dane County Confined Population Statistics

In the past 6 years, the confined population in DANE COUNTY has dropped by 27.00% from 726 each year to 530 inmates. Men are still confined about 478 per 100,000 U.S. residents annually in DANE COUNTY, despite the fact that women are the group confined at the fastest rate of growth.

Inmate Population in Dane County, WI

DANE COUNTY has only 530 of the 618 inmates are actually put in jail; the other 88 are under supervision; they are not currently confined.

Dane County Jail Inmate Population, Jail Pretrial Population and Confined Population, for 2016-2021 years

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Total Population 810 850 877 n/a 534 618
Confined Population 726 771 793 n/a 500 530
Non Confined Population 84 79 84 n/a 34 88

Dane County Confined Population by Gender

In DANE COUNTY, there are 478 confined male inmates for every 100,000 male U.S. residents, and 46 confined female inmates for every 100,000 female U.S. citizens. The confined population of male prisoners dropped by 20.73% between 2016 and 2021, while the confined population of female dropped by 60.34%.

Dane County Female Confined Population for
2016-2021 years

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Adult Females 116 103 101 110 27 46
Females Under 18 1 0 2 0 0 0
Female ADP 115 111 126 n/a 76 38

Dane County Male Confined Population for
2016-2021 years

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Adult Males 603 664 683 645 471 478
Males Under 18 6 4 7 3 2 6
Male ADP 673 627 640 n/a 573 452

Breaking Down Dane County Inmates By Race

In DANE COUNTY, the average confined population for White inmates is 217 per 100,000 white citizens, which is 32.11% lower than the confined population for Black or African American inmates. The number of Black or African American inmates who were confined went from 336 to 300 for every 100,000 black population of the United States between 2016 and 2021. The average Hispanic or Latino confined population in DANE COUNTY is 0 per 100,000 Hispanic Americans, while the average Asian confined population is 9 per 100,000 Asian Americans, accounting American Indian/Alaska Natives for just 4 residents of the county's confined population.

Dane County Confined Population by Race, for 2016-2021 years

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
White Inmates - Confined 377 379 405 n/a 216 217
Black or African American Inmates - Confined 336 376 375 n/a 266 300
Hispanic or Latino Inmates - Confined 0 0 0 n/a 0 0
American Indian/Alaska Natives Inmates - Confined 6 5 8 n/a 7 4
Asian Inmates - Confined 7 11 5 n/a 11 9
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Inmates - Confined 0 0 0 n/a 0 0
Two or more Races Inmates - Confined 0 0 0 n/a 0 0
Not Known (Race) Inmates - Confined 0 0 0 n/a 0 0

Dane County Prisons and Jails

Federal Jails

Wisconsin State Prison

Address: 3099 East Washington AvenuePO Box 7969, Madison, WI, 53707-7969

Phone: 608-240-5310

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Waunakee City Jail

Address: 205 N Klein Drive, Waunakee, WI, 53597

Phone: 608-849-4523

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Thompson Correctional Center

Address: 434 State Farm Road, Deerfield, WI, 53531-9562

Phone: 608-423-3415

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Sun Prairie City Jail

Address: 300 E Main Street, Sun Prairie, WI, 53590

Phone: 608-837-7336

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SPRITE Program

Address: 2909 Landmark Place, Suite 104, Madison, WI, 53713

Phone: 608-288-3356

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Shorewood Hills City Jail

Address: 810 Shorewood Boulevard, Shorewood Hills, WI, 53705

Phone: 608-267-1110

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Oregon Correctional Center

Address: 5140 Hwy. M P.O. Box 25, Oregon, WI, 53575-0025

Phone: 608-835-3233

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Oregon City Jail

Address: 117 Spring Street, Oregon, WI, 53575

Phone: 608-835-3111

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Oakhill Correctional Institution

Address: 5212 County Highway MPO Box 140, Oregon, WI, 53575-0140

Phone: 608-835-3101

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Mount Horeb City Jail

Address: 222 E Front Street, Mount Horeb, WI, 53572

Phone: 608-437-5522

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McFarland City Jail

Address: 5915 Milwaukee Street, McFarland, WI, 53558

Phone: 608-838-3151

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Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center

Address: 301 Troy Drive, Madison, WI, 53704

Phone: 608-301-1000

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Dane County Jail

Address: 2120 Rimrock Road, Madison, WI, 53713

Phone: 608-284-6100

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DeForest City Jail

Address: 306 DeForest Street, DeForest, WI, 53532

Phone: 608-846-6756

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Dane City Jail

Address: 102 W Main Street, Dane, WI, 53529

Phone: 608-849-5422

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Blue Mounds City Jail

Address: 11011 Brigham Avenue, Blue Mounds, WI, 53517

Phone: 608-437-5197

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